
Keeping Your Supply Chain In Check!

Team Hooper Labs
November 9, 2021

Manufacturing has a lot of sub departments and processes involved in it. It is a complex dance of tightly controlled timelines. In such scenario, having status updates as soon as possible is mission critical.

Various departments are involved inside of manufacturing followed by Quality Assurance and Packing. Each stage's output is the input for the next process making it a chain, hence the word supply chain.

As in a physical chain, if a link is broken, the entire process is unlinked. Same goes with any supply chain. So having constant status updates in every process is very crucial for the chain to continue.

We strongly suggest that you need a constant monitoring and get regular status updates from every process of your manufacturing department.

This helps subsequent processes like QA and packing much easier to manage and prepare for their respective timelines. Status updates can be simple push notification or an Email or even an SMS.


Having regular status updates on your entire supply chain makes your supply chain efficient. It helps various departments within manufacturing to meet their respective deadlines.

It also prepares them to anticipate any sudden changes of plan well ahead, this makes the process more seamless and makes timeline management easier.

How Hooper can solve?

Every update on the appropriate applications inside of the Hooper Platform can be customized and triggered according to your own requirement and configurations.

Hooper can trigger a simple push notifications on the App on web and mobile, or can do email notifications or even WhatsApp & SMS notifications.
Every notification and its content are customized according to your requirements.

Written By
Team Hooper Labs